The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Design

Create Pixel-Perfect Layouts

There’s one simple rule you can use to help create pixel-perfect layouts, and that’s the 8px grid because it’s simple and adaptable. The 8px grid system is based on incrementing by units of eight to create dimensions, spacing, and alignments. Why eight? It's a versatile number that easily divides down for a range of devices, ensuring a consistent and pixel-perfect appearance, especially when designing for various screen resolutions.

Take a section of your current design, like the header. Try resizing its height using multiples of 8px (e.g., 48px, 56px, 64px). Notice the ease of scaling and consistency?

1. Starting with Base Units

A base unit (like 8px) provides consistency. Everything from padding, margin, to component size is based on this unit. This system ensures your design scales proportionately and remains harmonious.

Quick Win: For your website buttons, try an 8px padding on all sides. If that feels too tight, double it to 16px. You'll see a balanced, proportional look.

2. Most Common Dimensions and Sizing

Using the 8px grid, many designers lean towards the following common dimensions:

  • Buttons: Height of 48px or 56px (depending on the font size and padding).

  • Form Inputs: Typically 40px or 48px in height.

  • Icons: 24px, 32px, or 48px, depending on usage and detail.

  • Spacing Between Sections: Multiples like 16px, 24px, or 32px for tighter spaces, and 64px, 72px, or 80px for more extensive separations.

Quick Win: Review any form on your site. Adjust the input fields to a height of 48px and space them 16px apart. This brings a tidy, systematic appearance.

3. Going Beyond 8

While 8px is the base, sometimes subtle variations are needed. Maybe you need a 5px stroke or a 3px shadow for a particular element. That’s okay! The grid is a guide, not a strict rule. It’s about creating a consistent rhythm, but there’s room for flexibility where it counts. If 8px is not working, divide by 2 and try 4px.

Quick Win: Look at elements like icons or borders. If they don’t align perfectly with 8px increments, don’t stress. Make minor adjustments, but keep the majority of elements within the grid for cohesion.

4. Grids: The Digital Blueprint

Grids are the invisible lines that help you place and align elements on your website, ensuring a harmonious flow and professional appearance.

Quick Win: Peek at your site’s main page. Do elements feel scattered? Employ a grid system, even a simple one, to align items and bring instant order.

5. Embracing White Space

White space, or the “empty” space, isn't about wastage. It's a tool that lets your content breathe, emphasizing what’s truly important.

Quick Win: Feeling cluttered? Create gaps between your elements. Increase margins or padding in increments until your content feels readable and airy.

Layout Recap

The 8px grid isn’t just about adhering to a set of numbers; it's about laying a foundation for design consistency and intuitive adaptability. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or an entrepreneur aiming for a pixel-perfect digital presence, understanding and applying the 8px grid can make all the difference. The best part? It’s easy to remember and use.

Design Resources For You

There are a lot of great resources out there to get you started. Many of them are free: here are some resources that can help you create pixel-perfect layouts.

The 7 Design Principles

  • Design Great CTAs

    Design CTAs that convert.

  • Design Effective Typography

    Get tangible tips for improving your product’s typography.

  • Use Color with Intent

    Color can help introduce your brand, show your personality, and help with conversions.

  • Make Navigation Intuitive

    Make it easy for your customers to find what they are looking for.

  • Create Pixel-Perfect Layouts

    Build layouts that not only look great but work better for your users.

  • Make the Most of Social Proof

    Word of mouth is everything: leverage it.

  • Start with the customer experience first, and work backwards from there

    Set your customer experience as your Northstar.